Tolerant Organic Green Lentil Macaroni 2 Pound Box

Tolerant Organic Green Lentil Macaroni fills you up with healthy, plant based proteins that cook and taste just like pasta! It has only one ingredient: organic green lenti flour. It is a good source of protein and fiber. Every serving contains 21g of protein and 46% of your daily fiber.


USDA, gluten free and NON GMO, this Tolerant Organic Green Lentil Macaroni has full serving of vegetables per 3oz serving. It is allergen free.

Nutrition facts:

Serving size is 3 oz (85g), per serving contains 300 calories, 10 from fat, total fat is 1g. 11g fiber, 21g protein and 1g sugars and 570mg sodium per serving.

Costco Tolerant Organic Green Lentil Macaroni 2 Pound Box Price: $9.59

Costco item# 1107763

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