Holyland Handmade Shmura Matzo

Holyland Handmade Shmura Matzo is imported from Israel by HKS Marketing, Ltd. The box contains about 8 handmade, all natural and unleavened flat breads. Shmura Matzo is part of Jewish cuisine, it’s a thin flat bread and tastes crispy and delicious.


The ingredients include wheat flour and water only. No salt, No oil. It CONTAINS WHEAT INGREDIENTS.

Nutrition facts:

Per serving size1 Matzo (Approx 57g) contains 120 calories, 0 from fat.  For each serving, you get 0 total fat, 0 from Saturated fat, 5mg sodium, 1g fiber, 4g protein and 0 sugars.

Costco Holyland Handmade Shmura Matzo Price: $6.97

Compared to $19.99 at Amazon. (as of May 19, 2016 @ 19:05 GMT, Details. We get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.)

Costco Item#: 564144

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